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President: Mr Charles Lowther
Chairman: Mr K Jackson
Hon Treasurer: Mrs A Burrell
Hon Secretary: Miss K Jackson
Dog Trial Secretary: Jo Edwards
The success of our annual “Dog Day” is due to all the hard work of the Committee both before and on the day. These dedicated few are very grateful for all the help they get from many volunteers willing to give up their spare time, however big or small their contribution. Special thanks must go to the Judges, the Sponsors and Friends of the Field, for all their generous donations, and of course to all the visitors from far and wide for their loyal support.
Old traditions are fast disappearing and in decline so it is a huge credit to all involved in keeping this 119 years old tradition alive and well.
If you have any queries or questions or require further information on our event then please contact the Hon Secretary:
Kate Jackson
Noran Bank Farm
CA11 0NR
Telephone: 07778500810
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